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Dog Show Life

All the Dogs at Silli Border Terrier are AKC Champions!
Why We Go to Dog Shows

Click to see all their awards!

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We go to dog shows because dog shows are fun!  There are lots of fun things to compete in at a dog show like Conformation, Companion Sports, Performance Sports, Title Recognition Programs and Family Dog Programs.  These are just some of our favorites.  

Conformation is where we are judged based on how closely we meet the Border Terrier Breed Standard.  The closer our appearance is to the breed standard, the better our ability will be to produce puppies that meet the standard.

Companion Sports measure how well we work together with our human.  It is where we demonstrate how much time we spend together and what a close relationship we have.  There are several events we can show in like:

Agility - where we race against a clock navigating an obstacle course.

Obedience - where we show off how well behaved we are.

Rally - where we navigate a course where we show off 10-20 different skills with our human

Tracking - where we show off how well we can recognize and follow a sent.

Performance Sports allow us to show off our innate ability to perform skills that help our humans do things like herd livestock, hunt animals, guard things like livestock and property and detect scents.  Our favorite performance events are Earth Dog where we seek and locate prey underground and Scent Work where we locate a scent and communicate to our human that we have found the scent.

Title Recognition Programs are really fun because they allow us to earn recognition for our abilities.  Our favorite Title Recognition Programs are Barn Hunt, Trick Dog, Canine Good Citizen, Therapy Dog and Dock Diving.  

Barn Hunt - this is where we get to show how great we are at locating and marking rats in a maze of straw or hay bales.

Trick Dog - we love showing off all of the tricks we can do!  There are a variety of trick dog titles we can earn as we build up our arsenal of tricks.  Some novice tricks include, crawl, high five, paws up, shake and sit in a box just to name a few.

Canine Good Citizen - this is where we get to prove that we are a good dog, good neighbors and good friends by mastering ten basic skills that instill confidence and prove we have well mannered both inside and outside our home.  Silli holds this title and received it when she was only 1-1/2 years old!

Therapy Dog - this program allows us to improve the lives of other people who are stressed, lonely or depressed.  Basically, we get to cheer them up and bring a little sunshine into their life by visiting them where they are.  We love being able to go to nursing homes, classrooms, libraries, assisted living centers, hospices, funeral homes, schools, and shelters and spread a little love around.

Dock Diving - it may sound crazy, but dock diving is where we dive fearlessly into water after our favorite toy.  The goal is to have the longest jump possible.  It is a total blast and we like is almost as much as river rafting and stand up paddleboarding!  

The Family Dog Programs are an umbrella for many of the things we do with our human families that are meant to bring dogs and their families together with fun activities.  Some we have talked about already.  They include:

S.T.A.R Puppy

Canine Good Citizen

Community Canine

Urban Canine Good Citizen Public Access Test

Trick Dog

Canine Good Citizen Ready (for shelter and rescue dogs)

Therapy Dog


AKC Temperment Test Program

Dog Show Fun
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Our Dog Show *Rock Star* Friends from Lndi's Border Terriers (with Mom)

**Kim**  **Cindy**  **Paula**







Making New Friends

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